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Old Apr 21, 2006, 02:42 AM // 02:42   #201
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Darn.. and I planned on purchasing my CE on the 29th..
Go Alex go!
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 03:50 AM // 03:50   #202
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So what are you saying? If we already ordered the CE, do we get it? Is this only for new purchases of the CE? Or is this affecting every copy of the CE?
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 03:54 AM // 03:54   #203
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If it isn't a global delay I would love to know what areas are affected. My copy is coming from the UK so I might not have got it till the Monday anyway, but if there has been a delay... So I suppose what I want to know is whether it is affecting the UK supply. Gamplay still has it listed on their site (mind you it's listed as sold out) while other companies (EB, etc) have removed it completely.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 04:12 AM // 04:12   #204
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Alex i have a question..... i went to pre order factions about 2 weeks ago and i asked about the ce and they said that they dont even have a skew number for it. like they are not even getting any copies of the ce in at all or something. it is my local eb games here in millington tennessee. if you could please tell me if they are serious or what.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 04:43 AM // 04:43   #205
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Yes you had to Purchase the "Preoder Package". Inside was a key code to access early.

You may have only "reserved a copy" of the game at your local game shop. Which is a completely differnt (although confusing) sort of thing. You should go back and see if they have an Preorder packages still.

I had to argue with the guy behinde the counter for about 15 mins to make him understand he was suppost to give me a preoder package when I preordered my copy of the game the game.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 05:23 AM // 05:23   #206
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Nothing like a good wait for something you want badly to cultivate self-discipline.

Sad it has to be a game...

Not talking about the OP, myself. Exams end on the 5th and I am so not getting factions for myself before then. Trouble.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 05:27 AM // 05:27   #207
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Well since everyone is sharing their stories about their EBX fiascoes, I thought I'd share mine

I had preordered the CE of Factions at the EBX over here by me at the mall (Portland metro area, Oregon). I was assured a copy and my parents ended up paying it all off for my bday (what nice parents, eh? :P) I checked out the recipt and it had a total price of 50$. I called them up and they claimed to have no idea what had happend. Aparently all preorder accts had rolled over to the regular edition. The guy assured me that he would make sure that I would get a CE though he could not guarantee how many copies they would be getting. Long story short (prolly too late, but whateva :P) I checked around and found somewhere I could preorder it and get it with no probs and with a guarantee and a hard copy of a record of it. I went in to cancel the preorder at the EBX here and the guy tried to convince me to keep my preorder with them. He told me again he could promise me a CE. I told him earlier that can't be right since he in an earlier convo said he couldn't since he didnt' know how many copies they were getting. Not to mention that it wasn't even in the computer anymore. I got my money back and had a good time chewing him out especially since I never got an apology for a mix up. Yeah, I worked in retail for years...the customer is always right dudes.

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Old Apr 21, 2006, 10:57 AM // 10:57   #208
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Exclamation Factions collectors edition delayed

I just found out from the guy at my local EB that the collectors edition of Factions will be delayed by a week!
He reckons it's not just in Australia either, the rest of the world suffers the same fate.
Has anyone else heard anything to this effect?
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 11:19 AM // 11:19   #209
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Read a similar thread on another forum yesterday, then contacted my supplier (powerplaydirect), who told me that my copy of the Euro CE would be delivered by the 27th as planned.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 11:20 AM // 11:20   #210
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if you didn't order the CE edition, (or even if you did) you can cancel the order and chance in your local store! they not might have the CE but they will definately have the SE avaliable on the day of release.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 11:20 AM // 11:20   #211
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i ordered from Game in the UK they have so far done everything to scedule ie sent pre-order boxes and no late release is mentioned.I think your EB store has a shipping issue and a lil smoke screen has appeared.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 11:43 AM // 11:43   #212
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same for us as planned
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 11:48 AM // 11:48   #213
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In the past three days I have seen several threads in this forum all on the same subject. Today there were 3 threads on this subject. I have merged them.

ALL of you need to make an effort to find and post in a thread already going on your subject before you make a new one.

I will be closing duplicate threads from now on.

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Old Apr 21, 2006, 12:33 PM // 12:33   #214
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
Thanks Alex.

Is there any chance of extending the life of the pre order keys to compensate for this.

Imagine the frustration of playing for 2 days then facing the choice of buying a normal copy while you wait for your CE(total cost to me, ~£80 UK pounds) to turn up, or having your access expire(leaving you stranded) while you wait.

Besides in many places the Monday is a national holiday, so even normal mail order editions may get delayed for delivery until the Tuesday, thus making the situation worse. I.e Key lasts from 27-29(Sat). No mail delivery on Sunday or Monday. So if people don't get it by Sat am they are out of luck for 2 days..

I realise these delays have more to do with the distribution channel, but say adding 5 extra days would create a lot less disapointment and stress for the customers, the suppliers and youselves.
This is an awesome request: Head start for pre-ordering the game was so the players could get a "head start". If their order is delayed, then the "head start" offer was for nill as they will now fall x days behind.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 01:49 PM // 13:49   #215
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CE removed from, yet my ETA still says 4/28/06 on my orders page. This isn't the first time I've felt screwed over from but I KNOW Anet will help us in some way, be it an extended head start, or 9999999 plat. Or just getting the games to us in time :P

PS: Anet... Uh, if you don't get the beat the CE out of EBgames on time, I'll take the Battle Pak on CD please... I know you're not direct song, but I also know you can beat it out of them too... lol.

Last edited by Selus of Amoe; Apr 21, 2006 at 02:01 PM // 14:01..
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 01:55 PM // 13:55   #216
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Originally Posted by Selus of Amoe
CE removed from, yet my ETA still says 4/28/06 on my orders page. This isn't the first time I've felt screwed over from but I KNOW Anet will help us in some way, be it an extended head start, or 9999999 plat. Or just getting the games to us in time :P
I'll take the 9,999,999 plat, thank you very much.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 02:05 PM // 14:05   #217
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I pre-ordered mine and paid for it two months before release. I have 3 acct's atm, and dont mind waiting the extra week.

As far as an extension on the access for the days before it, im all for it if its not a big problem.
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 02:41 PM // 14:41   #218
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Damn, go an email from the store where i orderd the CE, that my presonal things have been change.
The CE has been taken out of the collection!
Maybe they'll get it later.......

I live in the netherlands btw
dus zijn er nederlanders die de CE nog steeds wel op tijd krijgen?
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 03:20 PM // 15:20   #219
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I just got a response from Mediadis (where I ordered it)
The copy should be shipped before the release date.

LOL? They still don't have it in stock and its already the 21st...
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Old Apr 21, 2006, 04:08 PM // 16:08   #220
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Originally Posted by Woutsie
I just got a response from Mediadis (where I ordered it)
The copy should be shipped before the release date.

LOL? They still don't have it in stock and its already the 21st...
It could be that they are all sold out for Factions becuase of the pre order
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